Christain Products Today No 1 Online Christain Store Sat, 31 Aug 2024 14:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Christain Products Today 32 32 What is Holiness? How Can We Be Holy? Wed, 28 Aug 2024 07:05:04 +0000

For ages, Christians, philosophers, and theologians have discussed and studied the idea of holiness. It is frequently believed to be a quality or way of being exclusive to saints and supernatural beings.  

However, what is holiness?

Is it something that even common people can accomplish? 

If so, how can we get there? 

We shall examine the definition of holiness and its importance in diverse religious traditions in this essay. We will also explore the ideas and methods that can direct us toward a more virtuous way of living. We shall turn to the Bible’s teachings as we set out on this journey, as it is a timeless manual for anybody attempting to comprehend and embody purity.

Recognizing the Idea of Holiness.

As a notion, holiness includes a deep level of moral and spiritual purity. It explores the areas of divine connection and personal transformation, going beyond simple religious observance. It is necessary to acknowledge holiness’ innate relationship to God’s divinity to comprehend it. The concept of holiness is used to describe God’s flawless and unadulterated essence in a number of religious writings, including the Bible. Humans are urged to pursue holiness as a reaction to God’s love and grace, not as a way to obtain favor or salvation. It entails a lifetime process of sanctification, during which we gradually match our ideas, deeds, and attitudes with God’s moral norms. 

1 Peter 1:15–16, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.'” This verse provides an example of how holiness demands a strong dedication to righteousness, purity, and obedience to God’s instructions. Holiness requires unwavering trust in the Holy Spirit’s power, which changes our hearts and gives us the ability to live by God’s rules within us. Living a life dedicated to God, marked by love, honesty, modesty, and a desire to exalt him in all facets of existence, is what it means to be holy.

The Significance of Pursuing Holiness.

Believers must strive for holiness. We come into alignment with God’s will and purpose for our lives via the pursuit of purity. To become holy, we must actively collaborate with the Holy Spirit and permit Him to change us. 

As Paul says in Colossians 3:10, “put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” A daily commitment to prayer, Bible study, and abiding by God’s commands is necessary for this rejuvenation. 

Pursuing purity helps us grow closer to God and serves as powerful ambassadors of His righteousness and love to the outside world. We are reminded in Hebrews 12:14, “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; for without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” Pursuing holiness is a lifelong process that molds our character and brings God’s glory into our existence rather than being a one-time occurrence.

1 Peter 1:16 – Be Holy, for I am Holy.

We can find direction in 1 Peter 1:16—where we are invited to be holy in the same way that God is holy—when we strive to be holy. This verse serves as a reminder of the expectations God has for His people. Holiness is a manner of living that embraces all facets of our existence rather than just an abstract idea. It entails conforming our words, deeds, and attitudes to the nature and will of God. 

We acknowledge that to be holy, we must rely on God’s grace and the power of His Spirit to transform us. We are able to live righteously and show the world how holy He is because of our everyday submission to Him. As we set out on the path of holiness, may we always seek God’s direction and rely on His strength, understanding that it is via this pursuit of purity that we come nearer to God and enjoy the rich life He has promised.

Leading a Holy Life Every Day

Although leading a holy life daily is difficult, it is a calling that followers of Christ are encouraged to seek. Aligning our thoughts, words, and deeds with God’s Word and His will for our lives necessitates a deliberate commitment. It entails asking for His direction and depending on His might to withstand temptation and subdue the flesh’s wicked cravings. 

It entails practicing humility, love, and forgiveness from the heart, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 5:44–45. Being holy is genuinely wanting to glorify God in whatever we do, not about being flawless. Daily submission, self-control, and faith in the ability of the Holy Spirit to change us are necessary. Let us keep in mind the assurance found in 1 John 1:9 that God is true and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness as we endeavor to live a pure life.

Give your Body as a Living Sacrifice, According to Romans 12:1.

 The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to present their bodies as living sacrifices in Romans 12:1–2. This stirring declaration captures the spirit of holiness and our total submission to God’s work. It exhorts us to give ourselves entirely to the Lord, realizing that our bodies are like vessels meant to be used for His purposes. 

We confess our desire to live a life set apart for God’s glory by offering ourselves as living sacrifices. It entails making an effort to live according to His desire so that His transformational power can operate inside and through us. This verse serves as a reminder that holiness is a sincere submission to God’s divine design rather than just an outward show of virtue.

Following God’s Instructions for Holiness

As followers of Christ, holiness is more than just accepting God’s instructions. It necessitates a strong dedication to following His Word and a profound regard for it. Scripture is filled with many guidelines that point us in the direction of living a holy life. 

For instance, God commands His people to be holy in the book of Leviticus because He is holy (Leviticus 19:2). All facets of our lives are called to holiness, including our words, deeds, and thoughts. According to Mark 12:31, Ephesians 4:32, and 2 Timothy 2:22, we are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves, to extend forgiveness to others as we have been extended, and to pursue righteousness and turn away from wickedness. We show our love for God and our dedication to modeling His virtues in our life by abiding by His commands. We can walk in holiness and get closer to God every day because of the transforming power of God’s grace, which is experienced by obedience.

Be Holy Because I, the Lord Your God, Am Holy, Says Leviticus 19:2.

To comprehend the relevance and meaning of Leviticus 19:2 properly, we need to examine the biblical definition of holiness. Being holy involves more than just adhering to regulations or performing outward displays of religious devotion. It’s all about changing from the inside out so that we reflect God’s essence and character. God emphasizes that He is holy in Leviticus 19:2 when He names His people holy. This verse reminds us of God’s exacting standards for moral purity and holiness in His people.

Living a unique life, different from the world, and marked by submission to God’s will is what it means to be holy. It includes all facets of our existence, such as our speech, relationships, thoughts, and actions. It calls on us to pursue righteousness, purity, and integrity in all that we do.

Other scripture passages can also provide us with direction and inspiration as we strive to be holy. For example, Peter reiterates the appeal to holiness in 1 Peter 1:15–16, telling believers to act holily in all that they do, just as God is holiness. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs us on the attitudes and deeds that characterize a holy life, such as forgiving others, loving our adversaries, and abiding by humility.

We are not capable of becoming holy with our efforts. God’s grace is at work in our lives. God gives us the ability to walk in holiness and transforms us through the power of the Holy Spirit. We must give our lives to Him so that He might mold us into His likeness and conform us to His holy nature.

Seeking Holiness With Prayer

As we strive for holiness, prayer becomes a vital instrument in our quest. We can develop a close, personal relationship with God by prayer, which enables Him to reshape and form us into His image. Praying is more than just asking God for what we want; it’s also about giving ourselves over to His will and asking for His direction in all areas of our lives.

When we pray, we confess our sinfulness and realize that purity cannot be attained by our strength. Prayer makes it possible for us to obtain the grace and fortitude required to withstand sin, fight temptation, and make decisions that are in line with God’s will for our lives.

To explore deeper into the journey of spiritual growth and holiness, you might find the book Finding Our Way Home: Reclaiming the Kingdom in Post-Evangelical America to be an enriching resource. This book offers profound insights and guidance on embracing holiness and reclaiming the values of the Kingdom of God.

We can open up to God in prayer, admitting our transgressions, pleading for pardon, and requesting that His transformational power take effect within us. It’s a period for introspection during which we connect our beliefs, aspirations, and deeds with the truth that God has revealed in His Word.

Furthermore, prayer gives us a way to lift up others in prayer and ask God to bless them in their lives. It enables us to mirror the qualities of our holy God by showing others in need our love, compassion, and kindness.

By committing to a life of prayer, we give the Holy Spirit permission to operate in our lives, changing our thoughts and hearts and giving us the ability to live by God’s precepts. We obtain the fortitude, rejuvenation, and direction needed to face the difficulties and temptations of this world via prayer.

Hebrews 12:14 Says That no one May See the Lord if They are not Holy

Hebrews 12:14 emphasizes that holiness is a prerequisite for anybody who wants to establish a close relationship with the Lord, not just a suggestion. No one can truly experience God’s presence and splendor if holiness is lacking. This verse is a potent reminder of the significance of living a life that is set apart for God, a life that embodies His virtues and character.

Fundamentally, holiness is the state of moral and spiritual purity, apart from the wicked influences of the outside world. It entails giving our entire existence to God’s service and committing ourselves to Him. This calls for a profound shift in our beliefs, dispositions, and actions, all of which are informed by the veracity of God’s Word.

We must constantly seek God’s presence and submit our will and desires to His heavenly rule to be holy. This entails developing a passionate desire to live according to God’s commands and a genuine love for Him. We are able to resist the temptation to sin and live a life that pleases God because of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Developing qualities like love, humility, forgiveness, and compassion is another aspect of being holy. These characteristics make us like Christ and allow us to be His hands and feet in a world that is in need of repair.

Walking in Christ’s Light

A life dedicated to holiness naturally flows into walking in Christ’s light. As we walk in the light of Christ, we make an effort to match Jesus’ teachings and example with our deeds, thoughts, and attitudes. This entails modeling the virtues of our Savior by leading an honest, kind, and moral life.

To live in the light of Christ, one must constantly pray and read the Bible to receive His knowledge and direction. We get a greater comprehension of Christ’s purpose for our life and the path He wants us to take as we immerse ourselves in His teachings.

Moreover, discernment—the capacity to tell what is godly from what is not—is necessary for walking in Christ’s light. This discernment is the result of a deep connection with God and an awareness of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It entails making decisions that God will approve of and avoiding anything that could impede our spiritual development.

In the end, walking in the light of Christ is an ongoing process. Living according to God’s precepts and persistently seeking His presence is a daily commitment. Knowing that we are in association with our Heavenly Father and living according to His plan brings us joy and peace as we walk in the light.

To sum up, holiness is a crucial component of a Christian’s spiritual development and relationship with God. It is a gift from God that we can acquire via faith and following His Word; it is not something that we can accomplish on our own. According to 1 Peter 1:15–16 in the Bible, “you shall be holy because I am holy; therefore, just as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all that you do.” We can work toward holiness and live a life that pleases God by praying, reading the Bible, and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us. May we never forget this as we seek holiness and strive to deepen our faith.

Author’s Bio: Merry is a seasoned writer and SEO specialist with a passion for crafting compelling narratives that resonate with readers. With a background in Christian marketing, she has spent five years honing her skills as a content writer and SEO expert at  a prominent Christian brand

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The Gulag Supremacy: Judgment in the Hands of the Christian Right Sat, 08 Jun 2024 14:57:44 +0000 Author: Stan Moody

As an evangelical pastor and theologian, I find myself increasingly at odds with American Evangelicals on a wide range of topics. In my 2006 book, McChurched: 300 Million Served and Still Hungry, I predicted this about the Christian Right and its agent of political dominion, the Republican Party:

You will not be welcome in the Promised Land envisioned by the Christian Right. That is not a place that welcomes believers in the sovereignty of God.

Nor will you be welcome in the evangelical Church. That is not a place that welcomes broken people.

Since that time, I have become increasingly alarmed at the disdain for critical thinking among “people of the book” and the social impact of the Christian Right. A “good-vs.-evil” ethic has emerged that feeds into the worldview of the self-righteous, Christian or otherwise.

The Inerrancy of the Bible:

Underpinning the theology of both the Christian ideologue and the Christian philosopher/theologian is the inerrancy of the Bible. In the one case, the Bible is the final authority, supporting through select verses unchallenged parochial ideas such as America or modern Israel being God’s chosen instruments of divine judgment.

In the other case, the Bible becomes a historical revelation of the super objectivity of the Godhead, rendering genocide and infanticide mere expressions of divine selection.

A current example of indifference to the fate of the “evil” among us concerns the 100,000 to 1 Million Iraqi civilians who perished in the Gulf War. As well, the resurrection of the Gulag in America as a vehicle for segregating and oppressing rebels and minorities is greeted with objective indifference unless prospecting for converts.

Happy to Quit This Earth:

Theologian and Christian apologist, William Lane Craig, in his Reasonable Faith web site, posts his interpretation of Old Testament infanticide against the Cannanite people:

…if we believe, as I do, that God’s grace is extended to those who die in infancy or as small children, the death of these children was actually their salvation. We are so wedded to an earthly, naturalistic perspective that we forget that those who die are happy to quit this earth for heaven’s incomparable joy. Therefore, God does these children no wrong in taking their lives.

Projected into the modern era, we should rejoice when children are killed in time of war because they are going to heaven. As for those of evil distinction above the age of accountability, they were destined for Hell anyway, a premature execution of divine predestination waived only in the case of infanticide.

There is one notable exception for the Christian Right. It is abortion, which, under the microscope of objective morality, ought to be a matter for great celebration. Every aborted fetus is a life happily rescued.

American Prisons – God’s Will for the “Evil”:

The moral objectivity of the Creator becomes the imprimatur for genocide, infanticide and the domestic version of Gulag Supremacy, the American prison. There, “evil” folks are summarily contained. What happens to them within their containment or thereafter is of little concern or consequence apart from budgetary considerations that impact the lives of us “good” folks.

According to Bill Boyarsky in an article in Truthdig, however, the rush to increase minimum sentencing and abuse of three-strikes laws has unmasked an evil of racism and classism within the criminal justice system. “Who cares about the criminals?” he asks. “Some of the journalists I met with last week said they get the same reaction from their editors.”

In the wisdom of Pogo, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

Who Cares About Another Sex Offender?:

Here in Maine, we recently passed the 2nd anniversary of the death by ruptured spleen of Sheldon Weinstein in Solitary Confinement, with nary a peep out of the Attorney General’s Office. “Who cares about another sex offender?” “Who cares about another Jew?” “One less mouth to feed!” Would the Christian Right dare say, “He got what he deserved”? I have heard it more than once!

A few of us care. Those of us professing Christians somehow incapable of objectifying murder within prison, carried out directly or indirectly by staff, are saddled with the burden of thinking that, unlike with the Cannanites, God’s timing may have been short-circuited.

Moral Cleansing:

Then there is that sticky matter concerning objective salvation, the antidote to objective immorality – that we are somehow called to love our enemies at a somewhat deeper level than wiping them out for the glory of God, or, interchangeably, for the glory of America.
God save us from the Christian Right before we, too, become targets of their cleansing under divine objectivity through indifferent human agency.

• Greta Christina. “One More Reason Religion Is So Messed Up”, AlterNet, April 25, 2011.
• Bill Boyarsky. “Three Strikes and Civil Rights”, Truthdig, May 9, 2011.

Originally Published by Rev. Dr. Stan Moody

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Gulag America and the Doctrine of Inherent Goodness Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:19:36 +0000 Author: Stan Moody

Why are Americans so easily caught off guard by evil? Is it because we have embraced the doctrine of the inherent goodness of mankind to the exclusion of the reality of our own individual and national evil?

You would think that the experience of repeated failings as the moral conscience of the world would awaken us to our hypocrisy. Our burgeoning prisons and multiple wars seem to dictate otherwise.

Guys with the White Hats Always Win:

Frontier America, where the guys with the white hats always win, has infected every aspect of our national life. Where once victory belonged to the guy with the fastest draw, white hat guys of today come in the form of suburbanites, corporate executives, elected politicians, service club members, church members and bloggers.

As we watch America degenerate into this insular, tribal model, Martin Niemoller’s famous statement on the purging of target groups during the Third Reich speaks volumes:

First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist…
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist…
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew…
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me…

In the Crosshairs of An Evil Populism:

We came for the communists in the Korean War, the McCarthy Hearings, Viet Nam and the Cold War. We have come for the trade unions through the rise of the Christian Right/Tea Party activism in American politics. To the extent that Jewish people are emblematic of achievement, we who have treasured discipline of mind and career over gender, privilege and race find ourselves in the “crosshairs” of populism.

Nowhere is this disease more evident than in our criminal justice system.

The War-on-Drugs’ watchword of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s – “Just say ‘No’” – was the war cry of an addictive society dismissive of character weakness and mental illness. It is a society oblivious to its own pathologies camouflaged within the folds of belonging.

With few exceptions, prison is rendered to be a colony of people deemed unwilling to say “No” to temptations offering escape from a crushing inability to be “good.” They stand in our courts condemned, guilty or innocent, because most often they don’t look and act like folks we should like to have living next door.

Concentration Camps for Those Who Won’t Say “No”:

With 5% of the world’s population and 25% of its domestic prisoners, U.S. prisons have become concentration camps for those who are grim reminders of our own vulnerabilities to evil. We prefer to congratulate ourselves that we are not like “them,” quickly to move on in our denial.

The sex registry has evolved into a concentration camp without walls for violators of the sacred doctrine of the inherent goodness of mankind. With nearly a million now on the registry, they and their families are ensured of never again masquerading under such a presumption.

The doctrine of inherent goodness leads to gated communities, homogeneous clubs and churches, political parties and action groups and nationalism. Never truer were the words of Samuel Johnson, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” than of a nation addicted to defending its shifting, evolving morality by cleansing the world of “other”.

Vigilance – the Best Deterrent to Evil:

If we acknowledge the presence of evil in us all, we change the way we react to evil. Cover-up and condemnation decline. We become more transparent as individuals and as a society because we have less to hide. Parents protect their children by assuming that everything and everyone inside and outside the home can be harmful unless proven otherwise.

For such parents, the simplistic “just-say-‘no’” to sex, drugs and violence is replaced with vigilance and intervention that presumes that even our children may have a touch or two of evil.

Vigilance is the best deterrent to evil. Failure of vigilance led to 9/11 and its aftermath, the American police state, overreacting after the fact rather than exerting an ounce of prevention before.

That there is in each of us both good and evil demands that we be cordial, vigilant, protective of our trust and wise in our judgments, taking care of our own business to the extent possible.

• Harold Marcuse. Martin Niemoller’s Famous Quotation. U.C. Santa Barbara. April 22, 2011.
• Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page. Quotes On Patriotism. January 18, 2010.

Originally Published Rev. Dr. Stan Moody

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Prison Reform Begins Outside Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:14:38 +0000 Hope also served at barbecue
By Mechele Cooper
Staff Writer
MANCHESTER — Only a couple of families with loved ones in prison accepted an invitation to a Sunday barbecue at the North Manchester Meeting House.

Stan Moody, a prison reform advocate, wanted to recognize the families during his Sunday service at the meeting house and pray for prisoners and those on probation, along with their victims.

He then wanted to treat the families to a meal at the old rural church surrounded by woods on Scribner Hill Road.

“We’ll just keep plugging away at it,” Moody said Sunday. “We’ll just have to do more advertising.”

About 25 parishioners attended the service and barbecue.

A mother of a prisoner, who doesn’t live in Maine and wanted to remain anonymous — her son is in jail awaiting trial — said she reached out for help on the Internet and found the Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition.

She said the tragedy of her son’s action affected the whole family and they needed help dealing with the situation.
“We don’t know anyone in Maine, and being from out of state it was the first step for us for moral support and hope,” she said.
The coalition helped her get in touch with Moody, she said and that’s how she found out about Sunday’s service and barbecue.
“Children make mistakes in their lives,” she added. “But big or small, a parent’s love never goes away whatever the circumstances.”

Sharril Saunders of Solon ministers to prisoners. Her husband, Alfred, has been in prison 25 years for murder serving out a 50-year sentence. She ministered for the Maine State Prison and currently Somerset County jail.

The importance of outreach programs like the Rev. Moody’s means “absolutely everything” to prisoners and their families, she said.
Saunders said more churches need to get involved and reach out to prisoners and their families. She thought Moody’s invitation to families on Fathers Day was “an awesome idea.”

“There’s so many fathers incarcerated,” Saunders said. “Sitting in congregations around the country are women and children with broken hearts. I know one young woman with a couple of children whose son murdered somebody and she had to move and change her name because of the brutality of society. There’s hundreds of stories out there just like that.”

Moody said society isolates prisoners and their families. Often relatives of the convicted are seen as co-conspirators in whatever crime has been committed.

He said they need healing and they’re not going to get it from the Maine Department of Corrections.

“They don’t even have money for a reentry program,” Moody said. “You have to prepare these guys to enter society and it has to start in prison. You need mental health workers and people to provide housing and jobs but we can’t seem to pull it together. We need to train people to help these people so they can fit into society and be successful.”

Moody, a former chaplain of the Maine State Prison in Warren and a former state representative, said two-thirds of Maine prisoners, or 58 percent, are repeat offenders.

Every time we send back one to prison it costs us $50,000,” he said. “This touches everyone and the public is not aware of it. Maine has the lowest incarceration rate in the country with 4,000 prisoners, but there are 2.3 million in the nation and eight or 10 million on parole or probation.”

Mechele Cooper — 621-5663

Originally Published by Rev. Dr. Stan Moody

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3 Ways We Can Spread the Word of God Fri, 31 May 2024 12:10:43 +0000 Spreading the Good News of Jesus is a major purpose in the life of a believer. Jesus instructed His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 to spread the Word of God, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By spreading the Word of God, we show our love and compassion for our Heavenly Father because we care about His purpose for us as His children. Spreading God’s Word brings others closer to God and offers them the real peace that He has for them.

God’s Word has the power to change lives. Countless people have experienced true joy when they confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Today, we will explore how we can bring many others closer to God, helping them to build a strong relationship with their Heavenly Father.

1. Sharing Your Personal Testimony

By sharing your personal testimony and explaining how your faith has changed your life and brought you closer to God, you can help bring your friends and family closer to Him. They will see you as an example and think, “If they have received real peace and joy by accepting Jesus, I can also know my Father and receive His peace and joy.” Sharing testimonies is vital for believers.

Mark 5:19

“And He did not permit him but said to him, ‘Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.'”

In this verse, Jesus told a man He had healed to share his testimony with his friends and family, highlighting the impact of sharing personal testimonies of God’s mercy.

2. Making Helpful Bible Posts on Social Media

In this digital age, you can use social media to share the Word of God. It’s never been easier to spread God’s Word. You can create helpful content that resonates with your followers on social media and helps bring them closer to God. Encouraging your followers through uplifting messages, discussing how the Bible addresses various topics, and sharing your perspective can help build trust and a good bond with them. You can use meaningful Bible verses in your posts and use scriptures as captions.

3. Christian-Themed Clothes and Art

You can wear Christian-themed t-shirts with Bible verses written on them. By doing so, you can inspire other Christians to do the same and bless many non-believers with the message and design on the shirt. These Christian-themed t-shirts can serve as reminders for you and others to be consistent in your walk with Jesus. There are also mugs, canvases, and countless other items available with Christian verses written on them. With these items, you can be part of the purpose of sharing the Word of God.

Psalm 19:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

Just as the heavens declare God’s glory, art and clothing can also declare His glory. This verse tells us that we can use clothing and art to express and share our faith in a way that glorifies God.

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Seven Attributes of Godly Women Wed, 29 May 2024 13:39:26 +0000

As a devoted Christian woman, it’s our responsibility to understand the attributes that help us glorify God’s name and progress in our walk with Jesus. We should shape our character according to God’s Word so that others may see Jesus through us. These attributes not only benefit a Christian woman but also positively impact her family’s spiritual life. When the woman of the household sets an example, the rest of the family is motivated to follow suit.

  1. Prayer: 

Prayer serves as the foundation for building a strong relationship with God. A faithful Christian woman doesn’t worry because consistent prayer helps her understand God better, enabling her to act on His Word with confidence.

Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

  1. Worship: 

Worship involves giving honor, glory and thanks to God. God desires genuine worship from the heart, as mentioned in John 4:23-24. Worship is a way to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to glorify our Creator.

  1. Humility: 

Jesus is the ultimate example of humility, having sacrificed His life for us. A Christian woman should emulate this humility, refraining from retaliation when wronged. Being humble demonstrates our true belief in God.

James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

  1. Patience: 

God’s timing is different from ours, and everything happens in His time. James 1:3-4 encourages us to wait patiently for God’s plans, trusting that His timing is perfect. Even when it seems like God isn’t answering our prayers, we must trust His will and be patient. 

  1. Thankfulness: 

It’s crucial to express gratitude to our Creator in every situation. Psalm 118:28-29 reminds us to praise God and give thanks for His enduring love. We should demonstrate our gratitude through our actions, recognizing God’s constant presence and care in our lives. We should be thankful even in tough times.

  1. Emotional Strength: 

A Christian woman should be emotionally strong because it is crucial for her to understand that God’s support and guidance are with her in every part of her life. God’s strength enables her to face any trial that comes her way, and with each trial she faces, her faith becomes stronger.

When a Christian woman is strong, she becomes a source of comfort and strength for her family and relatives because people see her as an example. The Bible provides many examples of Christian women serving as sources of strength for God’s people. As mentioned in Joshua 1:9, God tells us to be brave and not to be afraid because He is with us. He knows us better than we know ourselves and loves us more deeply than anyone else can.

  1. Wisdom

As believers, we should make wise decisions that are based on and approved by what the Word of God says, just as it is written in the Bible. Otherwise, we risk falling into the devil’s trap and being used wrongly. It is our duty to invite God into every decision we make because, without His guidance, our decisions will not be wise. To make wise decisions, we must read the Bible, for if we do not read God’s Word, we will never know what it teaches. A wise Christian woman reads the Word of God to gain better understanding and make the right decisions in her life.

James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Understanding Our Value as Children of God Sat, 25 May 2024 08:40:23 +0000

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget our true purpose in Christ, isn’t it? The ultimate goal for every genuine believer is to spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. It’s a common issue among believers that they overlook the authority bestowed upon them by God. We can’t quantify His love for us, yet we often find ourselves caught up in the rat race of achieving everything on our own. We underestimate His power and the boundless authority He has granted us as His children.

Our Authority as Children of God

It’s crucial for us to grasp that our God is capable of anything; nothing is beyond His reach. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, He has also vested in us, His children, the power that whatever we declare will come to pass if we have faith and stand firm. Maintaining unwavering faith in God is undoubtedly challenging as we journey with Jesus. Yet, when we resolve to walk with Jesus regardless of the circumstances, God will also support us. As stated in Matthew 17:20, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains.

Control Over Our Words

God has granted us the freedom to speak. Our words possess the authority to either give life or bring death, as Proverbs 18:21 teaches. Sometimes, we speak without much thought, unaware that both angels and demons take note. Every word we utter is recorded, and any wrongful speech is brought before the Lord. As believers, it’s our duty to govern our speech and thoughts. What we speak has the potential to manifest into reality, and our words will serve as evidence on Judgment Day, according to Matthew 12:36-37.

Control Over Negative Thoughts

Mastering our emotions is crucial in our journey with Jesus. Engaging with the Bible daily and nurturing a robust relationship with God aids us in managing negative emotions. As Philippians 4:8 advises, we should counter negative thoughts with the truths found in God’s Word. Without this awareness, navigating the Body of Christ becomes challenging.

Our Relationship with Our Heavenly Father

It’s absolutely crucial to have a strong relationship with God, who knows everything about us. Nobody can love us better than Him because He understands us more than anyone else. He never abandons us. Prayer plays a vital role in the believer’s life. Prayer means talking to God. We should talk to God every day and seek His will in every decision we make so we don’t make mistakes. And when we have a strong relationship, we’ll understand our authority as children of God.

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Practical Steps to Build a Foundation of Faith That Strengthens Belief Fri, 24 May 2024 14:39:49 +0000

Many Christians go through the motions. They attend services. Then, they live the rest of the week without thinking about God and their faith. They don’t truly believe. There are ways to improve your faith and strengthen your beliefs. Here are some practical steps to build a foundation of faith and strengthen your beliefs.

  1. Read the Bible – Many Christians listen to the minister on Sunday in churches, but they do not read the Bible the rest of the week. When you read the Bible regularly, some things start to make sense. Things the minister says on Sunday connect with you when you read the Bible. While many Bible study classes take a part of the Bible to emphasize, reading it from the beginning to the end allows hard concepts to be clearer. You can draw your own conclusions and you can increase your faith. Reading the Bible also will answer your questions you might have when you are troubled.
  2. Pray Daily – Christians often pray when there is a crisis, but they don’t often pray when things are going well. They will pray over someone with cancer, but they won’t thank God when the cancer is in remission. To strengthen your beliefs and build a foundation of faith, you have to be grateful in good times and bad. You must pray every day regardless of your situation. You must thank God for your blessings. You must pray for other people. You must pray for guidance for decisions throughout the day. When you need help, you must pray. When you are scared, you must pray.
  3. Walk Daily or Sit for Quiet Time – This world is full of distractions. People are connected 24 hours a day and often refuse sleep in favor of being on a phone or computer. This is unhealthy, but it also doesn’t allow you to have God in your life. It is important to take a break from all the noise. Walking in nature or sitting quietly somewhere is necessary if you want to strengthen your beliefs and build a foundation of faith. It also is good for your health too. During this quiet time, try not to think. Let God speak to you. Just try to listen. This is not easy to do. Our minds want to be active. Even if you speak, often you will get ideas or thoughts that do not come from you. Absorb it and go with it.
  4. Buy Books – Reading Christian books will help you build a foundation of faith. Authors often tell their journey to be stronger in beliefs and faith. They also give you a manifest of how you can have more faith. They will tell you how to pray, how to have a relationship with God, and how to live a more fulfilled life. They will explain the road to happiness is not in wealth, but in loving God, yourself, and others. 
  5. Include God – Asking God for guidance before every decision will build a foundation of faith. You are showing yourself that God will direct you where to go and that you have faith it is the right direction. By including God in your marriage, business life, and every phase of life, you will strengthen your beliefs and slowly build that foundation of faith. Many motivational speakers talk about the law of attraction or sending positive things into the universe if you want them to come back. The truth is that God is the one you want to attract and tell positive things if you want them to come back. You have to believe that God will always bring you blessings when you ask for them.
  6. Surrender – Those who are on the highest plain get there by surrendering their lives to God. They are willing to follow everything God tells them. They have reached the peak of faith, and their beliefs are without question. They can defend their position by their faith and not be deterred from their beliefs. They can’t be tempted by marketing or evil forces. When you surrender your life to God, you feel peaceful because you know that God takes care of everything.
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Five Ways to Teach Jesus to Youth Thu, 23 May 2024 13:54:22 +0000

Jesus told His followers to let the children come to Him. While we are all His children, He was talking about people who are younger than what was considered a man or woman in those days. Today, the number is 18, but the message is the same. He wants children to experience His truths too. Children have a sense of wonder. Everything is new until it is known. Watch a baby for example. He or she doesn’t know how to do anything until he or she learns it. Parents are teaching them how to crawl, hold a spoon, walk and talk. Therefore, Christian children do not know about Jesus right away. Here are five ways you can teach Jesus to youth.

Read Children’s Bibles 

You can buy a Bible for any age level, even infants. The Bibles geared for infants have short phrases and pictures. They mostly talk about Jesus in get-to-know Him terms. Children’s Bibles go into more depth, but they still have vibrant pictures and stick to a few stories, such Noah and the flood. As children get older, they can read more complicated Bible stories and look at fewer pictures. It still helps for parents to read to their children. This helps both parents and children understand Jesus better.

Attend Sunday School 

Most churches offer some type of religious education. This is more structured and is geared for school-age children. There are Sunday school programs for pre-schoolers, middle schoolers and high schoolers too. They all feature different topics, approaches and concepts. They all are designed to teach Jesus to youth. Usually, the programs are an hour to two hours long, so children don’t get overwhelmed and parents are able to do other things with their children later in the day. Most are held on Sundays, but some are during an evening on the weekday. These are harder for children because they have school activities and homework, but dedicated parents are willing to make sure they attend.

Go to Craft Events at Churches 

Many churches will offer fun activities for children, such as events to coincide with Christmas or Easter. Some churches also have summer and fall festivals. During these events, there often is a craft table where kids can color pictures about different stories about Jesus. They are usually a fun way to teach Jesus to youth. Sometimes, churches will have puzzles, such as seek and find, using terms relating to Jesus as another fun activity to discover who Jesus is.

Download Video Games

Because children love playing games and video games in particular, you can download video games designed to teach Jesus to youth. They will answer questions or do role-playing that moves the character based on how well the children learn about Jesus. To reach the next level, they would have to master certain points about Jesus. This is another fun way for children to learn about Jesus without sitting in a classroom. Some children do not like sitting in a classroom. 

Read Books or Watch Videos 
Besides children’s Bibles, there are other books and videos geared for children. They teach Jesus to youth through animation, good story-telling and pictures. For example, Say Yes to Jesus, is a book that parents can buy and read to their children. It would help them understand who Jesus is and why you want to follow His teachings. VeggieTales or other videos also help children learn about Jesus. There are plenty of books for all ages and videos also for all ages that teach Jesus.

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Moving Forward in Faith, Not in False Confidence: Lessons from Scripture Sat, 24 Feb 2024 11:49:49 +0000

In the journey of faith, discerning between genuine trust in God and false assurance is a crucial aspect. While the Bible encourages believers to walk boldly in faith, it also warns against the dangers of presumptuous confidence. Drawing insights from Scripture, we can uncover valuable lessons on how to move forward in faith, anchored in God’s promises and wisdom rather than relying solely on human understanding.

Understanding True Faith:

True faith isn’t just a passive acknowledgment of God’s existence but an active, unwavering trust in His character and promises. Hebrews 11:1 emphasizes this, stating, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This verse highlights faith’s essence as a firm confidence in God’s faithfulness, even without tangible evidence.

Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples of individuals demonstrating remarkable faith in God. Abraham, often called the father of faith, obediently followed God’s command to leave his homeland and journey to an unknown land (Genesis 12:1-4). Despite facing challenges and uncertainties, Abraham trusted in God’s promise to bless him and make him a great nation.

Similarly, the story of David and Goliath illustrates the power of faith in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When faced with the giant Goliath, David relied not on his strength but on the assurance of God’s deliverance (1 Samuel 17).

Biblical Warnings Against False Confidence:

While faith empowers believers to overcome trials, Scripture also warns against the pitfalls of false confidence. Proverbs 14:12 cautions, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” This verse underscores the danger of relying solely on human understanding and wisdom, which can lead to destruction.

In the New Testament, Jesus warns against the folly of presumptuous confidence in Matthew 7:21-23. He says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Here, Jesus emphasizes the importance of genuine obedience and relationship with God over outward displays of religiosity.

Lessons for Moving Forward in Faith:

So, how can believers ensure they are moving forward in genuine faith, rather than false confidence? The key lies in cultivating a deep intimacy with God through prayer, study of His Word, and obedience to His commands.

Psalm 119:105 declares, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” By immersing ourselves in God’s Word, we gain wisdom and discernment to navigate life’s challenges with faith and confidence.

Furthermore, James 1:22 urges believers to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. Genuine faith is evidenced by obedience and action. As we align our lives with God’s will and seek His guidance in all things, we can move forward in faith, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises.


In conclusion, moving forward in faith, not in false confidence, is essential for every believer. By anchoring ourselves in God’s promises and wisdom, we can navigate life’s uncertainties with unwavering trust and assurance. Let us heed the lessons from Scripture and walk boldly in faith, knowing that our God is faithful to lead us every step of the way.

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