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SAY YES TO JESUS: First addition – FREE!

“Say YES to Jesus” is a teaching to help all people know the salvation they have in the blood of Jesus and His cross. “ According to God, no one is good, ALL have sinned (Romans 3:23). Sin can never enter Heaven. Only the perfect blood of Jesus can wash your sinful blood clean so you can enter Heaven.” The only way to be clean from sin, is to say YES to Jesus and follow His will and ways.

for ages 8 to 120+, Keeping it Simple!


“God is not an oppressor” she thought to herself. As a truth seeker, along with her experience as an abuse counselor and Master’s in Leadership Ministries, Jeannette set out to expose the lies of the enemy and reveal God’s truth regarding His daughters. Free to be mighty!

I Will Walk Again (2006) by Stan Moody

Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis know that every day brings new challenges. There may not be a cure, but there is always hope.In a belated tribute to his late wife, Jo-Ann, author Stan Moody pens the touching story of Jo-Ann’s life in I Will Walk Again. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1972, Jo-Ann succumbed to the disease twenty years later, but not before leaving behind a remarkable story of courage and wit in the face of the great unknown.

“I’ve Met the Enemy”: Journey of an All-American Sinner

“If you find yourself confused and sometimes even despondent over white evangelical commitment to reconciling the Kingdom of God with the American Dream of prosperity and success, this book is for you. There is great hope for your life through your relationship with God and with His people. You will recognize yourself in my experience, and when you do, you will share my hope.” –Stan Moody

Let My People Go!: Following Jesus into Our Jails and Prisons

Let My People Go is a twelve-step invitation to our American church culture to examine what we are supposed to be doing as Christians, what we are doing, and whether what we are doing is standing in the way of what we are supposed to be doing.

Life in God’s Kingdom: How to Manifest Heaven on Earth

Heaven is an awesome place, and we can live it here on earth. Imagine a world that resembles all the majesty and glory of Heaven. Through this book, you will learn how to stop imagining and start manifesting.

No Turning Back: Journal of an All-American Sinner

I have a great passion for the confusion and the despondency of the serious believer in our culture. I am living the effects of a life of attempted reconciliation of the Kingdom of God with the kingdom of man. I want you to know that there is great hope for your life and for your relationship with God and with His people. . . you will recognize yourself in my experience, and when you do, you will share my hope. – Stan Moody


This teaching will bring conviction, a transformed heart and renewed mind to be the best leader you can be. Research shows that more than 80% of church leaders have never gained any skills in leadership or stewardship. What does that mean for the members? This teaching is for anyone looking to become an effective Biblical leader and steward. It will especially benefit those looking to start a church or ministry.


In McChurched, Stan Moody tells us of the “Thousand Points of Light,” a vision that could be bursting from candles of faith flickering from the church for all to see. Moody reflects how little light and how much darkness is being displayed in the influence of this new moralistic wave.



This teaching is for anyone wanting to learn the Ultimate skill to have a healthy marriage. Jeannette concentrates on the ONE skill, that if practiced, can change any relationship for the better, especially marriage.

God’s Model of Forgiveness: How You Can Model God’s Forgiveness

(From Sinner to Saint Metamorphosis Series)

What penance can the slave who owns nothing, whose very life is not his own, whose rebellious actions are worthy of death, offer to his Master that would warrant reconciliation and restoration?

The Thief, the Harlot and the Healer

Galilee, AD 33, in a time of miracles and demons.

Rachel must rescue Mina, an abducted child, from imprisonment in a brothel. But how will Rachel escape the prison of her own terrifying past? Thomas, a follower of the Healer, offers to help Rachel, but she is too damaged and too lost to be able to accept or return his affection. 


Predestined to Hell?: Why Would a God of Love Consign People to Hell FOREVER?

Predestined to Hell? was written to help equip the Church with an evangelistic witnessing tool. Filled with the sword of the word of God and free from human opinions, Predestined to Hell? will encourage the believer while educating and convicting the unbeliever by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Rising Son

Rising Son was written to encourage believers in their new-creation identity. Jesus is as sure and certain and powerful as the rising sun. He is actually more certain and wants us to be concrete in our new-creation identity

Assassin.Burnham Book

Highly accurate in recounting Jesus’ words and actions, this dramatic re-telling of the gospel story seeks to re-enforce faith by reminding Christians of the path taken by Jesus from baptism to resurrection.

 Walking With Jesus

Our journey starts with Introductions to the Gospels, writers. Then come along for Jesus’ annunciation, birth, and baptism. Finish the first year of Jesus’ ministry from Judea to Galilee.

Called According to His Purpose: A Journey into the World of Parenting Special Needs Children

Disabilities affect individuals from all walks of life – from the CEO at the largest fortune 500 company to the small business owner at the corner grocery store; from the pastor at the biggest church to the custodian at the local elementary school; from famous celebrities from all walks of life to small-town military heroes.

Words in Red: Evidence for the Prosecution

A thrilling adventure set in first century Israel. Simon Ish Kerioth is ordered to gather evidence to try a man with superhuman powers. When the true value emerges, a desperate struggle ensues. Simon hopes to secure the scrolls for all time

Cut Action Murder (The Blade Parker Series)

Find out who is committing the perfect murders in this debut mystery novel…In a city where people are dying to be famous, Hollywood detectives Emma Blade and Matt Parker are searching for a killer. Somebody’s written a deadly screenplay—and life’s beginning to imitate art. Can Emma and her partner find the murderer before it’s too late? Cut Action Murder is a gripping Christian suspense novel.

What Hope Looks Like

“Time brings so many changes” may be the understatement of 2020 as the pandemic has affected so many so quickly. When we may have otherwise been able to gain our footing, if only given more time to learn and find another way to work through our problems, time itself seemed to be the enemy, often passing by too quickly before we found solid ground and while we were still searching for what we can trust and in whom we can place our hope.I’m hoping the story inside these pages passes on the story of true Hope found only in Christ.