Author: Stan Moody As an evangelical pastor and theologian, I find myself increasingly at odds with American Evangelicals on a wide range of topics. In my 2006 book, McChurched: 300 Million Served and Still Hungry, I predicted this about the Christian Right and its agent of political dominion, the Republican Party: You will not be welcome in the Promised Land envisioned by…
Author: Stan Moody Why are Americans so easily caught off guard by evil? Is it because we have embraced the doctrine of the inherent goodness of mankind to the exclusion of the reality of our own individual and national evil? You would think that the experience of repeated failings as the moral conscience of the world would awaken us to our…
Hope also served at barbecueBy Mechele Cooper mcooper@centralmaine.comStaff WriterMANCHESTER — Only a couple of families with loved ones in prison accepted an invitation to a Sunday barbecue at the North Manchester Meeting House. Stan Moody, a prison reform advocate, wanted to recognize the families during his Sunday service at the meeting house and pray for prisoners and those on probation,…