In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget our true purpose in Christ, isn’t it? The ultimate goal for every genuine believer is to spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. It’s a common issue among believers that they overlook the authority bestowed upon them by God. We can’t quantify His love for us, yet we often find ourselves caught up in the rat race of achieving everything on our own. We underestimate His power and the boundless authority He has granted us as His children.
Our Authority as Children of God
It’s crucial for us to grasp that our God is capable of anything; nothing is beyond His reach. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, He has also vested in us, His children, the power that whatever we declare will come to pass if we have faith and stand firm. Maintaining unwavering faith in God is undoubtedly challenging as we journey with Jesus. Yet, when we resolve to walk with Jesus regardless of the circumstances, God will also support us. As stated in Matthew 17:20, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains.
Control Over Our Words
God has granted us the freedom to speak. Our words possess the authority to either give life or bring death, as Proverbs 18:21 teaches. Sometimes, we speak without much thought, unaware that both angels and demons take note. Every word we utter is recorded, and any wrongful speech is brought before the Lord. As believers, it’s our duty to govern our speech and thoughts. What we speak has the potential to manifest into reality, and our words will serve as evidence on Judgment Day, according to Matthew 12:36-37.
Control Over Negative Thoughts
Mastering our emotions is crucial in our journey with Jesus. Engaging with the Bible daily and nurturing a robust relationship with God aids us in managing negative emotions. As Philippians 4:8 advises, we should counter negative thoughts with the truths found in God’s Word. Without this awareness, navigating the Body of Christ becomes challenging.
Our Relationship with Our Heavenly Father
It’s absolutely crucial to have a strong relationship with God, who knows everything about us. Nobody can love us better than Him because He understands us more than anyone else. He never abandons us. Prayer plays a vital role in the believer’s life. Prayer means talking to God. We should talk to God every day and seek His will in every decision we make so we don’t make mistakes. And when we have a strong relationship, we’ll understand our authority as children of God.
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