Christian music has come a long way from the traditional hymns that were once all people had. Contemporary Christian music offers both songs with lyrics that uplift and inspire, as well as those that are simply instrumental with no words at all. Regardless of how the song was produced, hearing God’s word through all Christian music genres is possible if you know how to look and listen. Here are ways you can listen to God’s word in Christian music.

Know the Lyrics
God speaks through music, and it is our responsibility to pay attention by listening to His voice and lyrics and conversing with Him. The lyrics of many songs make us think about the things we love and the things we are going through. And while this is true, sometimes these lyrics can also teach us about God and His love for us. Here are some lines from popular songs that will encourage you, inspire you, and hopefully remind you how much He loves you.
- Hope Is Marching On -Matt Redman
- As It Is- Hillsong
- God Will Make a Way- Don Moen
Relate the Music to the Bible
Find words of encouragement from the music and relate them to the Bible. One verse that is repeated throughout all of the songs is, “I am not ashamed.” There are many different ways to interpret this verse, but one way you can find it encouraging is when you feel embarrassed or ashamed about something you have done. When you feel embarrassed or ashamed because you did something wrong, remind yourself that no matter what you’ve done, Jesus still loves you and does not want you to be ashamed because He died for your sins (1 John 4:16).
Use the Music as a Prayer
Understand that music is a prayer to God. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by the music and lyrics as they are being sung. Sing along with the music, even if you can’t quite understand what is being said. This will allow you to experience the message through song. Listen for words or phrases that touch your heart; take these words to God in prayer.
Understand the Message
Music can be a powerful way for us to experience the presence of God. When we listen, we should use it to learn about the message the artist is communicating. There are many messages communicated through music, and when we listen and understand what those messages are saying, it can be another way God speaks truth into our lives. The best way for us to hear God’s word through music is by listening and understanding what we are hearing.
Sing Along
Sing along with the music. You will find that many songs have lyrics that are based on the Bible, and if you can’t understand the words, try to sing along. The more you sing, the better your brain will be able to pick up on what is being said. If you have a friend who knows how to play the guitar or another instrument, invite them over and teach them the song before singing it together.
Pray When the Music Is Playing
Praying when the music is playing can help you tune out the world and focus on God. The goal of both sung and spoken prayers is the same: to bring us closer to God, but they are different in how they get us there. Adding music to your prayer time could be a great way to shake up your routine or try something new. Praying to music doesn’t require singing along. However, make sure you listen intently and let the music enter your soul. To have deeper conversations with God, let the song lead the way. If a few words from a verse or passage stir something in your soul, join the dialogue with God. You can play one song repeatedly so that you can get into it. Alternatively, play a song that reminds you of worship, then pray like you’re singing the song together with the singer.
Let the Music Lead You Into a Conversation with God
Christian music can be a great way to make time with God. There are many different types of music that Christians use for worship, but I want to focus on the ones that lead you into conversation with the Creator. Here are five ways to hear God’s word in Christian music.
- The first is when it brings joy and hope as it points us toward Christ.
- Second, is when it creates images of heaven and helps us imagine what it will be like there.
- Thirdly, is when it gives thanksgiving to God for his gift of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross.
- Fourthly, it tells stories about our lives and how we’ve grown closer to Him through trials.
- Fifthly is when they encourage in times of darkness or doubt.
You may be wondering, now that you know how to use music to hear God’s word if anyone in the Bible ever had a musical conversation with God.
David Used Music to Praise and Worship God
King David was a righteous leader and a man after God’s own heart, according to the Bible (1 Samuel 13:14). Although the King was a ruler, father, lover, poet, and warrior. However, his extravagant worship is what stands out most to the Lord. This is evident in his praising of God in front of King Saul. David had a deep devotion to God, and he built a temple so that his people could worship together. He continued to worship the Lord with music and song after he had captured Jerusalem and relocated the Ark of the Covenant there (1 Chronicles 15–16). This new pattern of worship, which occurred continuously throughout the day and night, was patterned after the way God is worshiped in the heavenly places (Revelation 4–5). There were 288 singers, 4000 musicians, and 4000 gatekeepers involved in the worship. In 1 Chronicles 9:33, the kings of the future were commanded to continue this practice, which continued “day and night” (2 Chronicles 29:25 and 35:4).
Bottom Line
Christian music often speaks of the power of God’s word to change and transform lives, but are we listening? Learning to hear God’s word in Christian music requires patience, practice, and familiarity with the different types of songwriting styles musicians use. Knowing what to listen for in Christian music can help you hear God’s word no matter what type of song you hear on the radio or at your local church service. Always remember to ask God what he wants you to hear him say today as you listen to these songs.
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